BTC Staking

Deposit BTC, Reward PCX

4 XBTC Mining

4.1 Deposit

step 1 After confirming that the address and account name information is correct, click “Top up”

Step 2 Obtain the OP_RETURN information and trust multi-signature escrow address required for cross-chain recharge, and copy the OP_RETURN information

4.2 Withdrawal

step 1 After confirming that the address and account name information are correct, click “Withdrawals”

Step 2 After filling in the BTC address and withdrawal amount, click “Withdraw”

4.3 XBTC transfer

step 1 After confirming that the address and account name information is correct, click “tansfer”

Step 2 After filling in the address of the other party and the amount of X-BTC to be transferred, click “Transaction”

Last modified April 24, 2022: update (e735fd1)