Trouble shooting

1. How to unlock balances?

1.1 Query account balance locks

Call balances.locks via Developer>Extrinsic

  • (1) council election
    id: pcx/phre,
    amount: 100,000,000,
    reasons: All
  • (2) xstaking mining
    id: staking ,
    amount: 4.0000 PCX,
    reasons: All
  • (3) democracy公投(ChainX)
    id: democrac,
    amount: 3.0000 PCX,
    reasons: Misc

1.2 Lock details and unlock methods of each module

  • (1) council election (ChainX)

Query lock details: call

unlock: call elections.removeVoter(), cancel the vote and unlock

  • (2) democracy referendum (ChainX)

Query lock details: call democracy.votingOf

unlock: Call democracy.removeVote() to cancel the referendum vote, then call democracy.

unlock() to unlock

  • (3) xstaking mining (ChainX)

Query lock details: call xStaking.locks and xStaking.nominations

unlock: call xStaking.unlockUnbondedWithdrawal() to unlock

Note: 2022.04.07 xstaking will be unlocked and locked for two weeks

Last modified April 24, 2022: update (e735fd1)