This is a placeholder page. Replace it with your own content.
npm install @chainx-v2/api
const { ChainX } = require('@chainx-v2/api');
async function main () {
// Initialise the chainx to connect to the local node
const chainx = new ChainX('ws://');
// Create the API and wait until ready
await chainx.ready();
const api = chainx.getApi();
//get assets
const assets = await api.rpc.xassets.getAssets();
console.log("balance:" + assets);
// Retrieve the chain & node information information via rpc calls
const [chain, nodeName, nodeVersion] = await Promise.all([
console.log(`You are connected to chain ${chain} using ${nodeName} v${nodeVersion}`);
const { Account } = require('@chainx-v2/account');
const account1 = Account.generate();
const publicKey1 = account1.publicKey(); // public key
console.log('publicKey1: ', publicKey1);
const privateKey1 = account1.privateKey(); // private key
console.log('privateKey1: ', privateKey1);
const address1 = account1.address(); // address
console.log('address1: ', address1);
const mnemonic = Account.newMnemonic(); // random mnemonic
console.log('mnemonic: ', mnemonic);
const account2 = Account.from(mnemonic); // Generate Account from Mnemonic Phrase
const address2 = Account.encodeAddress(account2.publicKey()); // Generate address from public key
console.log('address2: ', address2);
const publicKey2 = Account.decodeAddress(address2); // Get the generated public key from the address
console.log('publicKey2: ', publicKey2);
Account.setNet('testnet'); // Set up as testnet
const address3 = Account.encodeAddress(publicKey2); // Testnet address
console.log('address3:', address3);
Account.setNet('mainnet'); // set as mainnet
const address4 = Account.encodeAddress(publicKey2); // Mainnet address
console.log('address4:', address4);
const account3 = Account.from(privateKey1); // Generate account from private key
console.log('address:', account3.address()); // address
//get assets
const assets = await api.rpc.xassets.getAssets();
console.log("balance:" + assets);
const ChainX = require('@chainx-v2/api');
(async () => {
// Currently only supports websocket connections
const chainx = new ChainX('ws://');
// Awaiting async initialization
await chainx.ready();
const api = chainx.getApi();
// Construct transaction parameters (synchronized)
const extrinsic = api.tx.balances.transfer('5DtoAAhWgWSthkcj7JfDcF2fGKEWg91QmgMx37D6tFBAc6Qg', 12345);
// View method hash
console.log('Function: ', extrinsic.method.toHex());
const alice = '5CtoAAhWgWSthkcj7JfDcF2fGKEWg91QmgMx37D6tFBAc6Qg';
// Sign and send the transaction,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is the private key used for signing
const hash = await transfer.signAndSend(alice);